B2C Drop Shipping

For B2C orders, we can ship the parcels from our warehouse to your worldwide, including USA/UK/EU/France/Germany/Australia, customer’s hand, which is also called drop shipping.

The shipping time is around 7-15 days for economic way, and 2-4 days for fast way. Both DDU and DDP delivery options can be offered.

Example tracking scans:

We keep long time cooperation with the main carriers in market, like DHL, Fedex, TNT, UPS, Yanwen, YunExpress, 4PX, USPS, China Post, DE Post, Netherland Post, etc. In addition, our total orders quantity is big,  thus we can get the discount rates and priority shipping space from them, so as to offer you the comprehensive, competitive and steady shipping service.

Our target is help you offer the best customer’s experience to your final clients.


B2B Shipping

For B2B goods, we can help ship them from our warehouse to your designated warehouses worldwide, including the domestic of China. We can ship the original carton packages directly. Meantime, we can pick, pack, stick label, put them into new cartons, and then ship them out upon your request. On the other hand, when the goods were found not qualified, we can help return them from our warehouse to your supplier, if needed.

If you operate business on Amazon, we can help ship the goods to your designated FBA warehouses. Both air+express and sea+express options can be offered.

Except shipping, we can help prepare the export documents, like packing list, invoice, export license, and do the customs declaration/clearance, along with the shipment.

The commonly shipping method are: sea (FCL and LCL), air, express (courier), rail way, and so on. It’s cheap by sea and fast by air. Rail way is a nice choice for EU area destinations

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